Which foods are alkalizing? Your taste buds may fool you

Acidic Foods Can Have An Alkalizing Effect

Simply Splendid Food

Acidic Foods Can Have An Alkalizing Effect
It’s very important to understand that eating an acidic food does not automatically mean it makes your body more acidic. With the same premise, eating an alkaline food does not mean it will have an alkalizing effect on your body. Meat is alkaline. But, when ingested, meat releases acids that results in acidifying your body.
The Acidic Lemon
The primary example is the lemon. A lemon contains citric acid. Concentrated citric acid is pH 2, which is a strong acid that can eat through clothing.  But, guess what? Lemons, despite being acidic themselves, happen to push our bodies to be a little more alkaline. Here is the paradox. Our bodies react with some acidic foods to produce an alkaline state of health.

lemons3Acidic foods such as lemons, limes, grapefruits and apple cider vinegar* will alkalize your body. *Apple cider…

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