3 Signs of Gout and How to Treat It

gout and alkaline water
How do you tell if your pain is from arthritis or gout.

Gout is a relatively common hereditary metabolic disorder when a person’s body cannot break down or eliminate uric acid. The uric acid crystallizes in the joints and provokes the body’s immune system to go into attack mode. This causes the area to become red, inflamed, painful and extremely sensitive to the touch, where even the weight of a bedsheet may be too much to bear.

What is the difference between gout and arthritis?

Arthritis covers a broad scope of problems that all have to do with the inflammation of the joints. Gout is actually considered a form of arthritis, but differs from osteoarthritis (caused by excessive joint wear) and rheumatoid arthritis (an auto-immune disease) because it is caused by these deposits of uric acid crystals.

Gout or arthritis? How to tell.

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